Nick Yarris has an unimaginable life story. Becoming a petty criminal as a teenager, Yarris’ life spiraled out of control one night after stealing a car and getting into a fight with a police officer. Soon after his arrest Yarris was falsely accused of rape and murder of a twenty-year-old woman, and in 1982 at the age of 21, Yarris was sentenced to death.
Living on death row, Yarris lived next door to some of the most notorious serial killers in modern history, each day was a fight for Yarris to stay alive and stay positive. While in prison, Yarris went from being illiterate, to a voracious reader, learning to read and write behind bars. It was not until 2003 that Yarris was finally proven innocent thanks to DNA evidence, and was not released until 2004.
Since his release, Yarris has released multiple books, including The Fear of 13, which became a documentary. Currently, Yarris travels as a public speaker, speaking about his experiences, and has been featured on multiple media outlets, including the Joe Rogan Experience. If you would like to stay up to date on Yarris, you can check out his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Below are the recommended reads by Nick Yarris:
–The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry
–The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
–The Power of Myth By Joseph Cambell
*Photo of Yarris taken from his Facebook page